Chelsea Otto

Chelsea is Modera’s Vice President and head of Client Services. She is also Modera’s original employee! Chelsea began her marketing career doing promotions for radio across the greater San Diego area. After college, she worked in media sales and eventually transitioned into account services which led to her passion working with clients on developing and executing strategies to grow their businesses. As a high-energy leader, Chelsea is always the first to dive into a new project bringing people together to collaborate on creative solutions. She empowers those she works with by providing them with flexibility to do things their own way to get the best results, and is a great example of Modera’s philosophy that through clear communication and trust, long-lasting relationships are built. Chelsea is a graduate of San Diego State University. She is also the proud mother of two smart, imaginative and adventurous kids and wife to a witty wine aficionado.


Let's get personal.

If you had a tagline to describe yourself, what would it be?

I’ll have a glass of the Sauv. Blanc, thank you.


Best advice you’ve ever received?

Always consider the other person’s perspective.


Fashion trend from your youth you’d like to forget?

Permed Bangs (only the bangs).